
Where is Triple Espresso performing?

Triple Espresso performs in various cities. There are currently no live productions performing.

How long is the show?

It’s a two act production with a 15-minute intermission. Total running time is approximately 1 hour, 50 minutes.

Is it family friendly?

Yes! It is a squeaky clean comedy perfect for anyone–no profanity nor innuendos to make you cringe. It’s cross-generational humor that will make your whole gang laugh and feel good about it!

For what ages do you recommend the show?

We recommend Triple Espresso for kids from 6-106! Please check the policies of the theater where you plan to see the show if you wish to bring very young children. Most theaters require that everyone have a ticket regardless of age.

Is there any audience participation?

It has lots of variety: it’s a funny story full of music, magic, physical comedy, a little audience participation, and (according to one reviewer) approximately 4 laughs per minute!

Is it really that funny?

Yes. It is.

How do I bring Triple Espresso to my hometown?

Contact your local venue that presents traveling artists and tell them you want to see Triple Espresso. If you are a theater administrator interested in presenting Triple Espresso, please contact Dennis Babcock. (612) 578-1888; dennis@tripleespresso.com